Age – Art and Act 3

I have been reading Jane Fonda’s book “My life so far” and she is talking about her experience of turning 60 and calls it the 3rd Act. A good metiphor for an actress and so I am looking at what I will start to use as my “act 3” ……………..the final chapter ? It occurs to me that this next part of my life is much more important than I ever thought it would be. In may in fact it be the most important part. Perhaps not the most memorable or the most precious but definatly the most important.

I find I edit what I write, and perhaps I need to edit however I find it constraining and think it is why I don’t write as much as I would like. And so I am going to make an effort to write more.

Life seems to be so busy and seems to go so much faster and I suppose I thought it should slow down a bit. As I was writing a sort of “life story” a few months back (or last year??) I found myself stopped. I wondered if it really mattered (telling the story) because again I was editing.

Can’t tell the whole truth???????? then why tell it at all?? I suppose someday someone may want to know it all…………….I came to a place of believing that “I am not my story” I am not that person any longer and yet here I am approaching my 60th birthday wondering who I am now and who I am still becoming……….a work in progress.

I feel a need of a transition into the next part of my life and perhaps that is what I am in now….it is my experience that when I am in the middle of “something” I cannot always see clearly, what I am suppose to see. Retreats used to do that for me…….for the first 10 yrs of recovery I was able to go to Reatreats at the Holy Cross Center on Lake Erie (no longer there) I think that being able to “take a step back” a retreat in other words, is what can enable us to see what it is that is in process in our lives.

Now next week I am going to a retreat however I am cooking for the 3 days and so it will not be a “retreat” in the way that I am feeling I need. However when I get back from the retreat I will be leaving for Southampton and an art course, my last one in this past 6 month process. I have a room on the shores of Lake Huron and so perhaps this will be more like a retreat for me.

The drive there will be an interesting and emotional one. I haven’t been over that way for 3 years, Stayner, Wasaga Beach, Collingwood and Owen Sound all places Brent and I spent so much time. And as “Grace/God” would have it , it will be our anniversary. (September 21st)

So as I write this I realize that it will be a special trip. Perhaps a further “letting go” a further and perhaps different “grieving” …………… I am grateful for this coming experience.


My best creation!!!!!!

Jeff (my son) Chantal (my daughter-in-law)
Keegan (liz’s son)in the white shirt
Aislin in Liz’s (my daughter) arms
Dave (my son in law)
and up front
Justin and Erika (jeff and chantals) and
last but not least Taryn

this paper creation, was an outcome of the first course, at Haliburton. Glad to have the picture cause I sold it this past Friday.
The process of doing this paper was amazing!! the whole course was and so I am going to take another with that Instructor in September.

The summer looks busy and I need to stay “in the moment” cause I want to have a great summer!!

Create, Creativity, Creator

I found a website called Go-Make-Art and the style and collage pieces are what I see myself doing.
I haven’t been blogging much – life is what happens when I am making other plans – my last entry said where did March go and now I say where did April go??
I realize part of my process is that I edit as I write – when I was writing “my story” I find myself editing all the time. And I don’t want to edit.
Do I want my family, friends and strangers to really know stuff?
the transition for me this month has come from Eckhart Tolle’ and his words “you are not your story”……………and I am not. I am not the same person, not my story!!
I am different each day and new and growing and evolving.
The gifts that God sends to me are huge. Teachers appear. Money shows up just when I need it.

And Now I Get …………to go to Art School , I did the “footwork” which always involves providing the supporting paper work……………and here I am leaving for the first course tomorrow.
How we manifest our desires is very clear to me. I remember walking on Locke Street in Hamilton and looking up at an Artist Studio and wanting to be there, to be that, to live there, to do art. And I ended up living there in that Studio and doing art and being that.
Then I got to be married and have that which I had never had………..a loving relationship – not perfect but a good one, with a good man.
And now here I am again……….in a studio, belonging to an Art Group, having a friend who supports me in my art and encourages me ( cause I can slip back and think i am not an artist)
and now this opportunity to study at a for real art school !!!!!!!!! How blessed it that.
I am so blessed, and all I have to do is to seek…………seek to know my Source, my Creator!!
My goal this week is to try and connect Spirit and Art…………..Create, Creativity, Creator…… co-create.